So here's Emily's stitches. Gross, yeah, but what do you expect with my blog? On Friday, while I was gone to an Army exercise, Emily went and asked Suzette for an apple. Suzy said she could have a half of one, in a minute. So Em took matters in her own hands, grabbed the longest knife that we have, and cut the apple....and her finger. Our friends out in Eagle Mountain, the Youngs, took Suzy and the rest of the family to the doctors office to get stitched up. Suzy also thought that I had taken her wallet, which was at home, but Donna, our friend paid for us so we could get a discount on the procedure. Wow. It's times like these that you really come to appreciate your friends. On a side note, the doctor was awesome and explained everything to Emily. When he gave her the shot he told her that her finger would go to sleep and then later asked if it was snoring. Cool huh?